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Simply one of England’s best. Golfers who find their way to Hollinwell know they have arrived at a special place from the moment they turn the final bend on the long driveway to the Club and see a magnificent view of the course and imposing clubhouse ahead of them.

Set in the gently rolling hills of North Nottinghamshire, in the heart of Robin Hood County, Hollinwell offers one of the very finest examples of heathland golf in the UK & Ireland.

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The Club has a long and distinguished heritage which dates from the club’s origin in 1887 to the current heathland course at Hollinwell in 1901 which sits sublimely in the heart of Byron country within the historic boundary of Sherwood Forest.

Legend has it that Robin Hood sat on the hillside rock above what is now the 2nd green. Just beyond the 8th tee lies the Holy Well from which the course derives its name and, which for centuries, provided refreshing spring water for the monks of Newstead Priory and now for golfers.

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